For the season of Epiphany, we will be taking on a new spiritual practice. Just as the Magi were seeking Jesus, we too seek to be closer to Christ. Our journey isn’t physical travel, but a spiritual seeking of new ways to see our relationship with God.
A star gift is simply a star-shaped piece of brightly colored paper with a single word printed on it. Each week you will be invited to take a star with a word on it. The concept is simple: the Magi followed a star and went with it on a journey to a place unknown. We will do the same, following the word on a star and allowing it to take our minds and prayers to an unknown place. Ponder what significance this word might have in your life, and how God might be speaking to you about the idea or concept it carries in a simple one word message.
Whatever word you get, let it be in your mind for the week. You might put it on your mirror to see in the morning, maybe in your bible or devotion book if that is your practice. Pastor Tim’s is on the corner of his monitor at the office.
If you aren’t in worship, you can pick a word from a list of words. First, pick a number between 1 and 100. Then click here and take that word for your own, maybe making your own star to put somewhere.